lunes, 7 de julio de 2008

Adobe's Sarah Rosenbaum: From Acrobat 1.0 to Acrobat 6.0
Kurt Foss

April 07, 2003


Editor's Note: In her Adobe Systems' office in San Jose, Sarah Rosenbaum has something of a personal Acrobat/PDF museum -- she admits to maintaining a collection of all Acrobat product boxes from version 1.0 to the just-announced Acrobat 6.0 (with more than one box), as well as all marketing brochures and related documentation for all previous versions. She didn't just buy them off eBay. As one of three remaining members of the company's original Acrobat (actually, pre-Acrobat) team, Rosenbaum has been heavily involved in what went into each of the Acrobat boxes and products. As part of our ongoing coverage this year commemorating the first decade of Acrobat/PDF -- officially launched by Adobe on June 15, 1993 -- we had a chance recently to catch up with her between stints of promotional globetrotting and late Acrobat 6.0 development to talk about her wealth of PDF-oriented experiences and insights.

Bye bye, GAby Menta

2 comentarios:

Marta Elena dijo...

Y bueno, lastima que se me borró muy rápido el tatuaje, la verdad me parecía hermoso! y con el vino argentino lo vi más hermoso todavía


Hola Gaby, gracias por tu comentario! Hoy empieza We Media en el Malba, va a estar bueno, te lo recomiendo ;) beso!